Evaluation of groundwater quality during the COVID-19 pandemic at the National University of Trujillo, Peru


  • Dolores Esmilda Castillo Vereau Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú. Author
  • Lurdes Tuesta Collantes Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú. Author
  • Seiri Eric Salazar Saldaña Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú. Author




During the Summit on Sustainable Development, the 2030 Agenda was approved, containing 17 objectives to be applied universally and directing the efforts made by the different countries to achieve a sustainable environment; specifically, objective No. 6 guarantees the availability of purified water without impurities, and easily accessible to all. Therefore, this article seeks to analyze the evaluation of groundwater quality during the Covid-19 pandemic at the National University of Trujillo. This pandemic has caused essential changes in the characteristics of ecosystems and the environment. The methodology was descriptive, exploratory, field, and cross-sectional. Based on the postulates of DIGESA (2011), WHO (2006), Galdos-Balzategui, et al. (2017), among others. For the study, the physical-chemical and microbiological control parameters were used, the multiparameter HANNA model HI 9829, two six-monthly samples were taken during 2020, and two repetitions in two water wells and a bath. Said analyzes were carried out in the laboratories of the Biological Sciences Faculty; results were compared with the current regulations, indicating that the water used for human consumption, in terms of odor and taste parameters, presents acceptable values in the three seasons. However, the water from the central storage well does not meet the microbiological health conditions and represents a risk to people's health. It is recommended to implement water quality control and monitoring policies at the National University of Trujillo.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of groundwater quality during the COVID-19 pandemic at the National University of Trujillo, Peru. (2022). Telos: Revista De Estudios Interdisciplinarios En Ciencias Sociales, 24(2), 219-234. https://doi.org/10.36390/telos242.02